Qi Gong Wednesday Class
Wed, May 26
Gentle movement, Breathwork, Static poses and Sounds focused on optimal health for the season.

Time & Location
May 26, 2021, 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM
About the Event
On Zoom with Dana McAvity
Gentle movement, Breathwork, Static poses and Sounds focused on optimal health for the season.
Emphasis on the Water Element/ Kidney system: skeletal, reproductive, deep immune systems and spine/back/Central Nervous System. Great for better SLEEP.
This class will have a daytime emphasis.
Qi Gong (pronounced CHEE-gung) is an ancient Chinese form of gentle exercise composed of movements that are repeated a number of times and can be performed by just about anyone. The movements are very much like light stretching and light calisthenics. It utilizes gentle flowing low-impact movements and can even be done seated. Qigong combines movement, breathing and meditation to improve health, fitness and well-being by moving universal energy through the body. To kick off the winter series she will do a special seated Full Body Tapping routine to disperse energetic stagnation, release physical tension, and promote deep rest and rejuvenation. This will be followed by a 15 healing sounds practice with a physical, emotional and spiritual sound for each of the five traditional Chinese medicine organ function systems. No previous Qi Gong experience required. Just bring your willingness to have FUN!
Class motto: “Look 1 inch taller, feel five years younger!”
ABOUT YOUR TEACHER: Dana has been practicing and studying Qi Gong for 5 years. She received her teaching certification under Lee Holden and has also studied with various masters, including Yang Yang and Kenneth Cohen. She has a private Jin Shin Jyutsu pressure point therapy practice in Greenwich, CT, is a member of the Healing Touch team at Greenwich Hospital, and is on the board of the Global Lyme Alliance and Hyde School.
Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing.
To book Dana's Thursday Qi Gong classes, visit https://www.wainwright.org/book-online.
Qi Gong Wednesday Class
$10.00Sale ended