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LETTER: Wainwright Trustee Takes Neighbor to Task for “Dirty and Untruthful War” has recently reported on the precarious state of the Wainwright House and its five acre property on Milton Point, as well as its proposed arrangement to host RowAmerica Rye when the rowing program’s current lease adjacent to the city boat basin expires in the next two years. This past Tuesday, the Wainwright House submitted paperwork to the Rye Planning Commission to renew and extend its ability to host events, a critical financial contributor to the non-profit.

Wainwright is asking for permission to host 15 weddings (up from 10) and four community events outside (under a tent) with amplified music. The amplified music ends at 10pm for weddings, earlier for community events. The Planning Commission is expected to walk the Wainwright property on Saturday, April 10th. It is not clear how quickly questions, a public comment session or a vote will come after the visit, but it is reasonable to expect a decision in April or May.

In the wake of the Planning Commission meeting this week, Wainwright trustee and Rye resident Patricia Goodwin-Peters penned an open letter. Partly a love letter to Wainwright, Goodwin-Peters also takes the non-profit’s neighbor to the west, Robert and Libby Alexander, owners of 290 and 300 Stuyvesant Avenue, to task for wagging a “a dirty and untruthful war” against the 70 year old institution.

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